Tenants in Common

What Happens If Your Co-Owner Dies During a Partition Action?

Partition actions are already challenging, but the unexpected death of a co-owner introduces additional complexity. If this happens, your next steps depend on whether the deceased co-owner had an attorney, their ownership structure, and the status of the case. Here’s what to do, including how to handle situations where the co-owner was a trustee of … Read More

Joint Tenancy with a Parent: What Happens When the Parent Decides to Sever the Joint Tenancy?

In California, joint tenancy is a common way for parents and children to co-own property, often with the understanding that the property will automatically transfer to the surviving joint tenant, presumably the child, upon the death of the other, presumably the parent. However, joint tenancies can be severed, and this can cause significant issues when … Read More

Joint Tenant Trasfer of Interest

What Happens When a Joint Tenant Transfers Their Interest? Understanding Joint Tenancy in California

Joint tenancy is a common form of property ownership in California that includes the right of survivorship, meaning when one joint tenant dies, their interest automatically passes to the surviving joint tenant(s). However, what happens if one joint tenant decides to transfer their interest during their lifetime? This is a critical question that often arises … Read More

Tenancy in Common California Lawyer Attorney Partition Co-Ownership Law Firm

What is Tenancy in Common?

California recognizes different forms of property co-ownership, the most common and default of which is tenants in common. California Civil Code 682 recognizes “ownership of property by several persons” in these forms: (a) Of joint interest. (b) Of partnership interests. (c) Of interests in common. (d) Of community interest of spouses. This article specifically focuses on tenants in common as the … Read More

TIC Agreements (Tenant-in-Common) in California

A TIC agreement, short for tenants in common agreement, is becoming a popular method for co-ownership in California, often converting a single property into a townhome with multiple units occupied by unrelated co-owners. Popular for decades in San Francisco, the Los Angeles Times recently reported that the trend has headed to LA where developers are … Read More

Unclear Ownership Interests on Deeds with Multiple Co-Owners

Unclear Ownership Interests on Deeds with Multiple Co-Owners

Many deeds convey an interest to three or more co-owners with no indication of the fractional ownership interest of each co-owner. These deeds raise the question of the relative co-ownership, creating complications when legal issues such as partition actions arise. There are several key factors to look at when a deed is unclear that help … Read More

Tenancy in Common vs. Joint Tenancy – What is the Difference?

Knowing the different types of co-ownership is key to understanding property co-ownership. In California, unmarried co-owners frequently hold title in one of two main forms: tenancy in common or joint tenancy. The difference between these two can greatly affect how property is inherited, managed, and divided in the case of a partition action. Tenancy in … Read More

Joint Tenancy in California

Joint Tenancy with Right of Survivorship A joint tenancy is a type of co-ownership in California wherein all parties own equal shares of a property. A property owned by joint tenants is “owned by two or more persons in equal shares, by a title created by a single will or transfer, when expressly declared in … Read More

Types of Co-Ownership in California Talkov Law

Types of Co-Ownership in California (Tenants in Common, Joint Tenants, Etc.)

Co-Ownership of Real Property in California “Co-tenancy” is an umbrella term used to describe ownership by several co-owners with undivided interests in the real property. There are four distinct types of co-tenancies (or co-ownerships) recognized by statute in California in which several people can own the same property.[1]California Civil Code 682 Tenancy in Common A … Read More

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      Los Angeles Partition Attorneys
      10880 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1101
      Los Angeles, CA 90024
      Phone: (310) 496-3300

      Orange County Partition Attorneys
      4000 MacArthur Blvd Ste 655
      Newport Beach, CA 92660
      Phone: (949) 888-8800

      San Jose Partition Attorneys
      99 S. Almaden Blvd Suite 600
      San Jose, CA 95113
      Phone: (408) 777-6800

      San Diego Partition Attorneys
      11622 El Camino Real Ste 100
      San Diego, CA 92130
      Phone: (858) 800-3300

      San Francisco Partition Attorneys
      50 California St, Ste 1500
      San Francisco, CA 94111
      Phone: (415) 966-3300

      Riverside Partition Attorneys
      3610 Central Ave, Ste 400
      Riverside, CA 92506
      Phone: (951) 888-3300

      Sacramento Partition Attorneys
      500 Capitol Mall, Suite 2350
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      Phone: (916) 668-3300

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