CCP 872.420

What Is an Answer to a Partition Action

What is an Answer to a Partition Action?

Answer to a Partition Action Complaint in California When an action for partition is filed, the opposing party has an opportunity to respond to this action by filing an answer. An answer to a partition action is a pleading by the defendant in response to the plaintiff’s complaint for partition. In the answer, defendants have … Read More

CCP 872.420 Lien claim; Date; Amount Talkov Law

Code of Civil Procedure 872.420 CCP – Lien Claim; Date; Amount (Partition Actions)

California Code of Civil Procedure 872.420 is the California partition statute that specifies what must be disclosed in an answer to partition when a defendant has or claims a lien on a property. The statute provides that: Where the defendant has or claims a lien on the property, the answer shall set forth the date … Read More

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      Offices Throughout California

      Los Angeles Partition Attorneys
      10880 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1101
      Los Angeles, CA 90024
      Phone: (310) 496-3300

      Orange County Partition Attorneys
      4000 MacArthur Blvd Ste 655
      Newport Beach, CA 92660
      Phone: (949) 888-8800

      San Jose Partition Attorneys
      99 S. Almaden Blvd Suite 600
      San Jose, CA 95113
      Phone: (408) 777-6800

      San Diego Partition Attorneys
      11622 El Camino Real Ste 100
      San Diego, CA 92130
      Phone: (858) 800-3300

      San Francisco Partition Attorneys
      50 California St, Ste 1500
      San Francisco, CA 94111
      Phone: (415) 966-3300

      Riverside Partition Attorneys
      3610 Central Ave, Ste 400
      Riverside, CA 92506
      Phone: (951) 888-3300

      Sacramento Partition Attorneys
      500 Capitol Mall, Suite 2350
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      Phone: (916) 668-3300

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