Lis Pendens Form [Notice of Pendency of Action California]

Form Notice of Pendency of Action in California

If you’re wondering “what is a lis pendens?“, you’re not alone. Formerly known as a “lis pendens,” a notice of pendency of action is a written document, recorded with the county recorder, that provides constructive notice of a pending court action (i.e. a lawsuit) that affects title to, or possession of, real property.

However, recording a lis pendens has stringent requirements. See Cal. Code Civ. Proc. § 405.23. The form lis pendens below provides an example of a notice of pending action sent for recording with the county recorder.

It is highly recommended that you contact a skilled real estate attorney prior to using this template. The lis pendens must be executed and served in the right format or it will be subject to expungement. An improper lis pendens may not be recognized by title insurance company as creating a cloud in title.

Note: While not statutorily required, having the acknowledgement notarized is a recommended precaution to help prevent issues leading to a lis pendens expungement

 Lis Pendens Template to Place Cloud on Title

[Attorney Name], State Bar No. _____



Attorneys for Plaintiff




[Name of Plaintiff],



[Name of Defendants],


CASE NO. _______


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced in the Superior Court for the County of [Specify County] in the above-entitled court, Case No. ______, concerning real property and affecting the possession of and title to real property by Plaintiff [Name of Plaintiff], against Defendants [Name of Defendants].

The real property, comprising the subject matter of this action is certain real property located within the county of [Specify County], [Property Address], Assessor’s Parcel Number [Specify APN]. The mentioned parcel of real property is located within the State of California and is legally described as follows:

[Legal Description]

DATED: [Specify Date]

[Name of Attorney]

Attorneys for Plaintiff

(Notary Acknowledgement Attached)


I am at all times herein mentioned over the age of eighteen years I am not a party to the within action or cause, and my current business address is [specify address].

On [Date], I served a copy of the foregoing NOTICE OF PENDENCY OF ACTION PURSUANT TO CCP § 405.20 (LIS PENDENS) in this matter and effected service in the following manner:

BY CERTIFIED MAIL/RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED: I sealed and prepaid such envelope addressed as stated below, with certified fees thereon and return receipt requested, and placed it in the United States Postal Service located in [City of Office], California.

An envelope was addressed to each addressee as follows:

[Address of Defendant]


I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of California that the foregoing is true and correct and that I could competently testify thereto if called upon to do so.

Date: [Date]                                                         _______________________

[Name of Party Mailing the Lis Pendens]

We have provided this lis pendens in Word format for your use in consultation with a partition attorneyquiet title lawyer in California, or other experienced litigator.

Service of a Lis Pendens

It is important to remember that a lis pendens is not effective unless it has been served by certified mail. Cal.  Code Civ. Proc. § 405.22. Indeed “a motion [to expunge] may be brought on ground[] that [] service was invalid (§§ 405.22, 405.23).” Castro v. Superior Court (2004) 116 Cal. App. 4th 1010, 1014. Indeed: “Any notice of pendency of action shall be void and invalid as to any adverse party or owner of record unless the requirements of Section 405.22 are met for that party or owner and a proof of service in the form and content specified in Section 1013a has been recorded with the notice of pendency of action.” Code Civ. Proc. § 405.23.

Contact an Experienced Lis Pendens Attorney in California

Because a lis pendens is such a powerful tool to resolve legal disputes regarding title to or possession of real property, California law requires that you either have an attorney file the lis pendens or apply to a court. Cal. Code Civ. Proc. § 405.21. Indeed, the ramifications of filing an erroneous lis pendens can be serious, including attorney’s fees. If you have questions about lis pendens law in California, contact a skilled real estate litigation attorney in California.

About Scott Talkov

Scott Talkov is California's #1 partition lawyer, having handled over 400 partition actions. He founded Talkov Law Corp. after more than one decade of experience at a California real estate litigation firm, where he served as one of the firm's partners. He has been featured on CNN, ABC 7, KCBS, and KCAL-9, and in the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register, the San Diego Union-Tribune, the Press-Enterprise, and in Los Angeles Lawyer Magazine. Scott has been rated by Super Lawyers since 2013. He can be reached about new matters at or (844) 4-TALKOV (825568). He can also be contacted directly at

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      Offices Throughout California

      Los Angeles Partition Attorneys
      10880 Wilshire Blvd Ste 1101
      Los Angeles, CA 90024
      Phone: (310) 496-3300

      Orange County Partition Attorneys
      4000 MacArthur Blvd Ste 655
      Newport Beach, CA 92660
      Phone: (949) 888-8800

      San Jose Partition Attorneys
      99 S. Almaden Blvd Suite 600
      San Jose, CA 95113
      Phone: (408) 777-6800

      San Diego Partition Attorneys
      11622 El Camino Real Ste 100
      San Diego, CA 92130
      Phone: (858) 800-3300

      San Francisco Partition Attorneys
      50 California St, Ste 1500
      San Francisco, CA 94111
      Phone: (415) 966-3300

      Riverside Partition Attorneys
      3610 Central Ave, Ste 400
      Riverside, CA 92506
      Phone: (951) 888-3300

      Sacramento Partition Attorneys
      500 Capitol Mall, Suite 2350
      Sacramento, CA 95814
      Phone: (916) 668-3300

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